Hi all and welcome to the OLOWOF Inc mailing list and new integrated website www.ourlandourwaterourfuture.org We will be posting information about important national events (mainly NSW) concerned with protection of Water, The Environment, Agricultural Lands and Cultural Heritage.
To begin this Monday The Gomeroi are asking for your support to join them before their last sacred site in the Leard State Forest is destroyed forever. For those that are not aware, the Gomeroi were unable to access any of their sacred sites in the Leard Forest and for two years fought and won a court battle against Whitehaven Coal based on the freedom of right to spiritual practise. Despite this victory and Environment Minister Greg Hunt having all the paperwork to protect these sites, Whitehaven Coal has continued to desecrate their sites and our government continues to turn a blind eye, now there is but one remaining.
It is lovely to see beautiful speeches from Malcolm Turnbull on “closing the gap” with first nation and Environment Minister Greg Hunt being awarded minister of the year, but when these events are happening at exactly the same time can we really take any of it seriously ???
Lawlers Well is within the next clearing region of the Leard State Forest and the Gomeroi are asking for our support. This is a peaceful gathering on a travelling stock route (tsr) i.e public land and free for all to join.
Please share this event far and wide and i hope to see some of you there xxx PRB